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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dear fellow Interactors
Itr. Anit Thapaliya
I am thrilled and honored to be this year's President of the Interact Club of Pashupati Kathmandu. Three years ago I was invited to join an organization that I hoped would open the pathways and portals to serving my community and beyond. I was searching for a way to utilize some of my free time in helping others and to become more involved in my community. The Interact Club of Pashupati proved to be my answer. In addition to enjoying the weekly meetings, the guest speakers and the warm member comradeship, I have found tremendous satisfaction and reward in serving others through our numerous club activities.

A fellow Interacters once said "Strangers are simply friends we haven't met yet".There years ago I stepped into a room of mostly strangers; today I enjoy a vastly expanded room of friends, joined together through a shared commitment to serving others and  making the Pashupati community and beyond a better place for all.

Here, i would like to thank IPP Itr.Manoj Paudel & his whole team for the successfull completion of his tenure. similarly i would also like to thank IPP of both rotary & rotract club of pashupati for their kind supports.

Finally, as you can see we are very active & committed to the needs of our community as well as our members. if you are looking for place to feel valued by others & make a true difference in the community and the world. Please join us...

Lastly, Many thanks to the friends, family & community that belived in us. 

Yours in Interact
Itr.Anit Thapaliya
President (2011-2012)
Sukedhara, Kathmandu

 Club Theme "Children, Their Future Our Focus"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

                  Joint meeting(Rotaract and Interact club of pashupati)

Saturday, August 14,2010

Meeting no.37 of Interact and Meeting no.543 of Rotaract
Guest speaker: IGP Rtn.Khadgajeet baral
Meeting was started Jointly by Rotaract and Interact President with a salute to National Anthem.Smile a wile was collected with both Rotaractors and Interactors.
Some informations were shared by Secretory Rtr.Milan Kc and President Itr.Manoj paudel.Then time was provided to Rotarian to address both Rotaractors and Interactors.He shared us about Rotary and his personal life experience from his contribution in the people`s movement of 2007 B.S to his experience as a ambasador to different country and as a peace keeping officer from UN.
Then with a sunshine collection and vote of thanks to the guest Rotarian by vice president Itr.Srijana Dangal, President Rtr.Prakash Rai and President Itr.Manoj paudel
Jointly ended the Joint meeting.

First charter day celebration
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Due to certain circumstances and delay, we were able to celebrate our first chartered day celebration on this day. The programme was inaugurated by DGE Rtn. Tirtha man shakya. We had Interact District chairman Rtn.zenny baidya as a guest of honour and presidents of Rotary club of pashupati and Rotaract club of pashupati Rtn. Devi ram sharma and Rtr.Harka saud respectively .Also other Rotarians and Rotaractors participated in our programme to support us and to motivate us more towards the Rotary family. Also we released our club bulletine by DGE Rtn. Tirtha man shakya

RYLA Dharan

Itr. Abesh raj giri and V.p itr. Jitendra sah Proved themselves to be a lucky fellow to participate in a RYLA programme for the first time from the club. In the programme both of them showed a lot of enthusiasm and became able to win the awards for Best Yoga performer and Best poem.

RYLA Gyanodaya school
6th april-10thapril
Itr.Prashant mishra and Itr.Manoj paudel attended the Ryla programme at gyanodaya school and learnt a lot from training sessions and recreated from the sports programme and and Itr.prashant mishra won several prizes for being first in different games.
The main theme of RYLA was YOUR PLANET NEEDS YOU.
So we were also taught to save environment and wildlife and awared of the world most burning problem GLOBAL WARMING.

Dashain celebration
       Thursday,September 17,2009
On the occasion of Nepalease great festival Dashain and Tihar,we celebrated the festival with our Interact members and IPP Rtr.Narayan Krishna Kharel at Biswo Bhasa campus.    

. Nagarjun Hiking Trip
Saturday, January 30,2010 
The Interact club of pashupati went to a hiking trip to Nagarjun Hill. We met at Macchapokhari at 7 a.m. went for the Hiking. The path was 5 kilometer and was 2 and half hours climb. At the hilltop, we gathered in a monastery, had a brief sightseeing from the tower, had snacks, and organized the formal meeting of Interact club. We also organized recreational activities and then descended downhill, 5 km, 2 hours.
The purpose of the trip was to increase the sense of fraternity and sorority among the club members and to explore the natural beauty around the valley. The trip was an exciting experience for all of us.

Friendship day
Sunday,August 02,2009
We attended the part at Rotary hall and celebrated friendship day with all volunteers.The programme was hosted by six Rotaract clubs of valley including Rotaract club of pashupati

International AIDS day celebration
Saturday, November 28,2009
The Interact club of pashupati attended AIDS awareness programme organized by the Rotaract club of pashupati on Saturday, two days before the International AIDS day, at biswo bhasa campus, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu starting at 8 a.m.
The experience was quite educational and raised the sense of social responsibility and equity among the participants.

International day for the Disabled
Thursday, December 03,2009
The interact club of pashupati, along with the Rotaract club of pashupati, participated in the rally organized on International day for disabled, which went from the Basantapur Durbar Square to Bhrikutimandap where the Rally assembled at 11 a.m.

5 hours later, we gathered at a school for differently able in bungmati, lalitpur and organized a programme in which we donated winter clothes to the students and the teachers. We spent some time with them in recreation, reciting poems, singing songs and interacting with them. We received heartfelt gratitude while returning.

Volunteering service at Pashupati temple on every Monday of shrawan(July-Aug,2009)
We worked as volunteers in pashupati temple to control the crowd of people and manage the way for BOL-BOM. In the temple on the festive occasion of Sombari, we mostly helped organizing the festival and crowd management.

Youth Day Programme
Wednesday,August 12,2009
We participated as youth volunteers along with FPAN youths in the programme organised by FPAN. We took part in rally from Basantapur to Rastriya Naach Ghar and we observed the programme whole day.

.Volunteer Service:Haritalika Teej Festival
Friday,August 21,2009
We volunteered at the pashupati temple on the festive occasion of Haritalika Teej. We mostly helped in organizing the festival and crowd management.
We worked at the eastern gate of pashupati temple.We volunteered there from 2 am to 4 pm.It was a rainy day but we thought service comes first.

Community service:21 crore Batti
Sunday, November 01,2009
We volunteered at pashupati temple on the ceremony of lighting 21 crore battis. Due to surplus, around 33 crore batti were lightened. We worked at the banks of river.We volunteered there from daylight to night. The fires had brought a lot of smokes so we had to rescue very young and old people from it. We also had to stop people from entering into smoky areas. We had to search the guardians of some missing children, which we succeeded in doing. We often had to arrange wires to prevent them from catching fire.
This was the most difficult of all our community service opportunities until now. The programme coordinator prashant mishra appeared in a live Tv interview on Nepal 1 regarding our contribution at the ceremony.